Saturday 29 March 2014

Life at Crief Hydro part one

I'm so excited I'm going to Scotland to work with horses,well I do have to work in the hotel first, but then I can live my dream.My Mother is with me on the train to make sure I get there safely and see what the place his like. My Auntie and uncle got me the job has they live just seven miles away in Auchtararder, so they were near if I needed them. The job was at Crief Hydro in Perthshire, I was to work in reception giving out post and newspapers and helping the residents in any way they asked. afterwards I can go and help in the stables.
We arrived at Perth station and were in a taxi taking us to the Hydro, we entered a drive which was long and winding lined on both sides with tree's. We went to the front entrance, the doorman looked down his nose at us and sent us round the back. We met the housekeeper there who was very friendly and explained my duties to me . Then she showed us round, explaining that the Hydro was a kind of convalescence hotel for the upper classes.She showed us my bedroom which was right at the top of the house.It was quite frugal with a bed, a dressing table and a chair.Still it was mine.Then she took us to the Staff's rest room and introduced me to the staff there, then she got someone to take us to the stables. I met Moira who ran the stables she was really nice and showed me the horses, my Mum stayed outside, she didn't fancy horses and things.

Well my mother has gone to stay with my Uncle and auntie for the night before she gets the train back tomorrow. So now my life can really begin now I'm on my own.It feels a bit scary but exciting has well.I was sat in the staff's rest room, their were old leather chairs and settee's  round the sides of the room, the floor had a faded carpet that had seen better days. there were tables with chairs round them. Two men were playing cards and some girls were playing draughts an older man was reading the paper. a young woman called Glenda was sat with me she told me a bit about the place and said she was a waitress in the same area that i would be working so she would keep an eye out for me.It seemed their was a minibus to take residents to town and we were allowed to take a lift on it. Crief was about two miles away it was a very pretty small town
Next morning I started work at 7am I had a small desk with partitions behind me for the post and newspapers for me to hand out to the residents .But first i had to empty the ashtrays in the conservatory before the people came down for coffee which I was to serve them.
Later I went down to the stables and helped to muck out the horses stables, i had done this at home for free rides at the local stables .The horses were lovely, Moira said I could ride one in a few days. I think I'll be alright here.

Watch out for part two next week

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