Saturday 8 March 2014

Unconscious at Treliske Hospital

Steve's Father rang, that was unusual, he told me he'd had a telegram from Steve's commanding officer in the Royal Navy. Their had been an incident at the naval base where he was stationed. Someone had poisened him and he was unconscious in the Treliske Hospital, which was in Cornwall where he was stationed. His Father said he was unable to go has his new grand  daughter was having a heart operation

So I was on my way by train to Truro, I had got compassionate leave from the hospital where I worked. It was quite late when I got to Truro has it was a long journey from West Yorkshire, but I got a Taxi straight to the hospital.  I found out where he was and spoke to the Sister on duty, she said their was no change in his condition but she would get the Consultant to  see me in the morning.  

I sat with him and held his hand he had a drip up and a tube into his stomach.I spoke to him has I believed that it was possible unconscious people could respond to touch and sound, After a while the sister brought me a cupof tea which was very welcome, and asked where I would spend the night. Well I'll stay here with Steve.
'Yes but you would be better getting some rest, you've had a long journey and I'm sure you are very tired'.
'Well yes, but where could i go at this time of night'.
'We have a list of people willing to put people up when they are visiting the Hospital and i took the liberty of contacting one, has I knew you were coming a long distance, so I only need to give her a ring to confirm your booking'.
'Yes that would be very kind of you'.
So I went to this bed and breakfast  accommodation, the lady was very kind and gave me a warm supper.
The place was clean but basic, and I. was really thankful.
I knelt down by the bed and prayed that is really prayed desperately for the first time in my life. I promised to follow him all my life if he would just heal Steve.

The next morning I saw the consultant at the hospital they showed me to the sister's office, and Mr Gerald and the Sister was there. He explained hat they didn't expect Steve to gain consciousness and if by some chance he did he would have permanent brain damage, in fact he said he would just be like in a vegetable state.
It was silent in the office they were waiting for some response from me but I couldn't take it in. Then I started shaking and then the tears came and I just couldn't stop, the sister came and put her arm round me and I heard the consultant slip quietly away, I sensed what was going on but I couldn't respond.
Gradually the tears stopped,
'I'm sorry i said but it was such a shock, but he may be wrong it is possible isn't it'.
'Yes we will just have to wait and see won't we'.
I went into see him then and they brought me a drink. Later that day My Mum arrived she had travelled all that way to support me.It was nice to have someone to speak to

Next  morning I went in to see him and I couldn't believe my eyes he was sat up in bed and looked absolutely normal, he was in for another three weeks and made steady progress They said he might have        Liver and Kidney damage, but he never had any problems.I thanked the Doctors and Nurses but never said thank you to God who I'm sure did more than the doctors had done has they had given up on him. How ungrateful I was, but the day would come when I addressed that.

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