Saturday 22 March 2014

9 20 to Southampton by Heather Benn

Jo and Alf were marching through the town of Morley in West Yorkshire'They had both joined up and were setting off to war, they had been to training camps but now this was the real thing They were on there way to Southampton to join a Troop ship, they didn't know where it was taking them but this was so exciting , everyone could see they were doing there duty and it felt good.
When they boarded the train it was already half full with soldiers, a whistle blew and they were on their way.They watched the town disappear they passed all the mill buildings looking really grimy in the weak sunlight. It was early March and still quite wintery their had been hail storms the day before but today was lovely and sunny but still a little chilly.

'Come on Jo we'll take a walk ,down the corridor'.
'Yes ok it may be quieter further down, but i doubt we'll find any seats its just so packed'.
They both shuffled past soldiers looking out of the , it was ess crowded has they went further down.They were looking in each carriage looking for seats when Alf stiffened
'Jo look at that soldier he looks really odd'.
'Yes he does lets look closer, its unusual for him to be on his own when the train is so crowded'.
They entered the carriage and Jo gasped
'He's dead looks like he's hung himself'.
Alf pulled the emergency cord and the train screeched and shuddered and finally came to a stop. they could hear the guard running down the corridor till he got to the.
'What you two up to pulling the cord thats only'---he suddenly saw the dead soldier, 'Oh blimey what's happened here,'
'We don't know  we just found him', said Alf.
'Alright don't touch anything I'll have to radio for help, said the guard.

What do you think  has happened to him', said Alf.
'I reckon he was frightened of fighting and ended it all'.                                                                                 'No I think someone did this to him, he looks like he's been thumped, look he's got a bruise over his eye, he didn't do that to himself', said Alf.

The Police surgeon was examining the body, 'well it looks like he's been given a beating, I'm afraid you've got a murder on your hands Inspector'.
'I was afraid of that ', said Inspector Davis. he looked to his Sergeant.'We've got work to do'
'Yes Sir,'
Start by taking statements off these two soldiers that found him'
Alf and Jo gave their statements and were told they would be contacted.
'But we're going to fight the war 'said Jo.
'Yes well  I'll have to contact your Commanding officer', replied the Inspector has long has we know where you are'.
The body had been removed and they were proceeding on their journey, the carriage had been locked so no one could remove any clues and the police were still on the train speaking to people.
They were hanging round the corridor when Alf noticed something on the floor sticking out of the door,
'Look Jo',
 they pulled it out of the crevice it was caught in,
'Its an identity card said Jo, had we better tell the Police'.
'Not likely said Alf, they treated us like criminals I think we can solve this ourselves they're a right couple of wallies they don't seem to know there is a war on'.
'Lets look see if we know whose it is', said Jo'
'No I've never seen him he's called Mortimer Liston, what sort of ponsy name is that', said Alf.
They both sniggered 'Lets see if we can see him'.
They walked down the corridor looking in all carriages when suddenly they came face to face with the soldier on the card, Alf tried to hide it behind his back but it was too late
'What have you got there soldier, I think it belongs to me, so hand it over or their will be trouble'.
Jo screamed out Police', then all hell broke out The soldier in the photo tried to get away but Alf grabbed hold of him and Joe tripped him up and he was sprawling on the floor when the Inspector arrived.
'What's going on here boys'
Alf waved the identity card in the air, we found this and then he tried to get it off us so we shouted for you'.
'Ah well done boys, it looks like we've found our killer,'
He got hold of the guilty soldier and said'You come with us you've got some explaining to do. you boys will have to make another statement I'm afraid'.
.Yes Sir, no problem said Jo and Alf nodded in agreement.


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