Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Ancient and Modern Blog action14 #inequality#oct16

Throughout the ages God has spoken about the poor, in the old testament he set out laws to protect and provide for them. Deuteronomy Ch 15 V7 tells his people to be open handed to the poor and to lend freely, and in the seventh year to wipe out any debts that were owed them. In Psalm 72 V13  says God will have pity on the weak and needy. And in many other places it tells how God thinks about the poor, he loves them and always wants his people to help and love them.The laws about the poor were like the social services of their day, but because it was law to do these things, people resented having to keep these laws.

When Jesus came he brought in a new Covenant of grace and he wants us to keep these laws because we want to. In Luke ch4 v18 he says The spirit of the lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. he has sent me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, toproclaim the year of the Lords favour. Then he said today that scripture is fulfilled.

So again god is telling us how he feels about the poor.So today he asks us to care for the poor, it is not only the Governments work but every one of us, especially our Churches. We are seeing the churches now stand up and say yes we will strive to fulfil Gods heart for the poor.

We are seeing food banks filling the need where their is a gap in social services payments, leave people without  money to feed their families. People come in tears because their benefits have been stopped for various reasons. Christians against poverty is another  church based charity which is helping people to budget and learn how to cope they are supported every step of the way until they become debt free. The people then rejoice and are so grateful for the help they have received. It is good the church is responding in this way.

What about the benefit system, they are cutting people's benefits to the disabled, the elderly, those on Job seeker's allowance, but worse is the way they treat people, everyone is treated has been dishonest until they can prove otherwise. Some people feel so degraded that they won't ask for help'

Often you see them living rough on the streets and even then the Police will move them on has they don't want homeless people in there area. During the winter months an organisation called Snowdrop is providing night shelter for some of those people in Church buildings, where again Christians are welcoming them in a non judgemental way. They are provided with a bed and supper and breakfast in the morning.

We all know that monet is short today, but we can all be kind and not judge the poor, they often feel that society shuns them, and speaks unkindly to them. But think no one knows whaat is round toe corner for us, some of these people are well educated but things have gone wrong for them. So perhaps we can all make a difference on some small way every act of kindness is so appreciated. So please when you come across these people have compassion for them and trea them with dignity, we all deserve that.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Our time in Staithes

When I was about ten years old, my family used to open up a cottage in Staithes which was in east Yorkshire, for the season, it belonged to my mothers boss ,so we got a free holiday and then we went at the end of the season to close it down for the winter.
Usually my Grandmother would go and take my brother and myself, we would take a train to Whitby and then travel by service bus the eleven miles to Staithes, it would drop us at the top of the road down to the Village it was very steep and we had to carry our cases down it was about a mile into the village . The cottage was the last one in the village , it was called Mispah, and was built into the cliffs. It was painted white has were most of the houses.and nestled into the cliffs, their were steps on the outside which led to what we would today call a patio,and it was level with the bedroom I slept in,
We loved our time there and got to know the locals really well, it was a fishing village and the local fishermen would go out in an old cobble in all weather's , they would sit right outside our cottage mending their nets . They would also take us out on the boat we would all go including sandy the dog, he would sit at the front loving the spray that was thrown up.
Their was a sea wall about six feet above the sandy beach and we would play jumping off and the local kids would measure how far we'd jumped. Then we would go for walks in the country lanes , or sometimes on the cliffs we could walk for miles and we passed a deserted village and harbour it was called Musgrave. and then we would continue it felt quite eerie we would imagine stories of sailors being lost on the rocks the north sea could see quite violent storms and many of the local fishermen had lost their lives .
The local women wore bonnets which were called the Staithes bonnet a lot of them wore black after losing husband or sons to the sea others wore purple bonnets after a year of mourning had passwd the children would wear white one's has sun bonnets. The village had a very narrow winding road and a footpath would take you to the other side of staithes where the beck flowed and eventually joined the sea , this is where the lifeboat house was, and there were a few cottages and has you walked round the corner you would catch the sea throwing up its spray when the tide was out we would play on the rocks and tried our hand at fishing for tiddlers,
I remember one year my mother and aunty came to visit, and they went to the local public house which was called the cod and Lobster you could stand in front of it and the waves would try and snatch you away, Evidently the public house had been washed away more than once. But i thought my mother was going straight to hell going in there and when they came back they talked of having a Pimm's, of course I had no idea what that was but I think I prayed for my mum to be rescued from this demon drink..
One day I decided i would try and climb the cliffs at the back of the cottage, so I went from the patio and started climbing it didn't look very far but i soon got into difficulty and was hanging on like grim death when some fishermen had seen me and rescued me, after that i was told it was out of bounds.
but they were some of my most memorial times has a child.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Kenya's hidden hospital part two

'Come now I show you the hospital we have to walk has their are no roads'.
So we set off, the country was very mountainous and the heat was tremendous we were soon struggling has we climbed and slithered over the paths. ' How do you get people to the hospital if they are too ill to make such an hazardous journey'.
'their families carry them, people here are very strong with the life they have to live..
We eventually reached the hospital, we looked down on an array of make shift buildings , it was quite extensive and obviously was well used their were queue's of people waiting to be seen. Joseph went off to find the Doctor in charge. He came back and said he was busy operating on a patient but wouldcome soon. But he told Joseph to show us round. He took us to see the wards, it was like going back fifty years, the equipment they had was long outdated, i remember when I started my training in 1961 we were shown examples of some of the outdated methods of treatment, and these were being used here in 2002 . Also the beds were bare with no linen on them Joseph said their was nonmoney for niceties, I wouldn't have called bedclothes a nicety, patieents were curled up on the beds, a lot were suffering from Malaria, which I always imagined that only westerners suffered from, but no the locals got it too and they had no money for Drugs to treat it.
We saw pregnant mother's waiting for antenatal treatment, and some were dying from Aids. Nurses were few and Joseph said they worked long hours,some of the relatives came in and did whatever they could.
They were many waiting for urgent operations but money and man power was so limited.
The doctor then caught up with us and told us how he had trained in UK and then came back to help his countrymen. He was the only Doctor and was also the Administrator. 'this is my life I do what I can, but it is never enough, no never enough'
We asked what we could do to help, 'We need money for Drugs and equipment and we need more nurses and Doctors'.
We were quiet on our way back, we vowed to come back and try and bring something to help. We will never forget what we saw, we begged our employers for medical provisions like syringes and catheters urine bags and blood transfusion giving sets, which had gone out of date but were still usable in third world countries, The Doctor was very grateful ,but if only we could do more, If i was single i would have gone and worked there,
Joseph told us the doctor was absolutely dedicated to the hospital. In the tourist areas the hospitals are very good but in these local areas it is a very different story .

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

safe as houses Part one second part next week

Our holiday in Kenya was superb, we went has a family, their was my husband my daughter and her 9 year old son. we had done all the normal tourist things but this was something different.We had made friends with the hotel's motivator,that is a person who organises the visitors entertainment and encourages them to join in the various pastimes on offer.His name was Joseph and he had been telling us he was building his own house.Whenever he earned enough money he would buy bricks and other building materials and  build a bit more of his house. It sounded a long process to us but he was obviously excited about his achievements.

So he had said he would take us to see it has well has is parents house which they had built on the same plot, which they had inherited.He said he would also take us to the local Hospital has ha knew that my Daughter and myself were nurses.He said the hospitals serving the local community were far different to the ones in the tourist area's

So off we went in a Matuto which his like a camper van with benches in it they are used has local buses, they just cram the people in and maybe the occasional goat.
He had brought another man to drive the matuto he was called Amos I was a little nervous has we had never met Amos before and you hear such stories of tourists being abducted, but everyone else seemed perfectly happy about it so I kept my thoughts to myself.

We travelled for about two hours we passed through a few villages we saw men with clothing spread out on the ground with people around them Joseph explained these were gifts from tourists and instead of wearing them like the tourists intended, they were selling them so they had money to feed their families, so the tourists were really helping to  feed the poor.
They came to a village green their was cattle eating the grass and roaming round, we saw another Matuto with people piling into it and also farm animals and goats snd even hens were also being loaded onto the bus.
'We go to my house now,' Amos got off in the village, and Joseph took over driving
 we were soon at the complex .
His parents came out to greet us, such lovely people.They offered us a drink which we gratefully accepted after the long drive in the heat of Africa,They led us to a grassy area in the centre of the complex,There were palm tree's  and they just shook them and coconuts showered down, which they took and hit them with stones to open them then they passed them to us to drink the milk, never have I tasted coconut milk with such flavour. and the flesh of the coconut was  exquisite.
Joseph then explained their was a river at the bottom of the complex and that is where they got their water from.
Come he said ,I will show you my house first he showed us his parents house which was a great feat for amateurs he then showed us his own which was only partly built but we could see it shaping up.
'You like' he said
'Yes you've done a marvellous job'.he beamed he was obviously very proud of his achievement.
and so he had but we would have puled holes in it like there was no proper sanitation  they had a bucket at the side of the toilet. We asked about Electric
Oh no, only rich people have electric
My Grandson said but what about Television
Joseph laughed 'No television here '
'What do you do all night '
'We talk and play games'.
'Ooh ' he said 'What about cooking'
'We have a cauldron in the middle of the complex we cook there It is dry most of the year except for the wet season.
Life there is so different from our own but they are happy and thankful for what they do  have.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The Reckoning based on a true story

She stared at the little crosses
they had been placed where her family had died,
they had been made to dig their own graves
then pushed into it and buried alive.

She had managed to creep away, and hide
she ended up in Canada a far away place
her foster parents were good,
but she longed for her own Mother.

She remembered the soldier laughing,
now was time to visit him
how would he explain his actions
following rules, ah but he was laughing.

She was told to forgive, but how could she
every night she relived the horror
she had run away and hid
while her family cried and died.

He was married with children now.
But for her she could never love again
Love was too painful,she cried at night
oh the anguish, oh the hate in her heart.

Now they sat across the table from one another,
he spoke of his shame, has his tears flowed
she saw he had suffered too
And then God gave her the grace to forgive.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Prostitute's deserts

'Well he didn't really kill the first one, it was just an accident.he backed her up to the platform and she fell onto the rail and was electrocuted.They'd had an argument about him smoking on the platform. He ran off but the police caught him.

'but the second one was murder, he'd gone into this bar and  got into an argument with a prostitute and he just lost it, he saw red and hit her, she went down like a sack of potatoes. She hit her head on a step and it cut her head open. it was a terrible sight they said. The police were a bit rough with D an, probably because of the other incident, he was out on bail for that. It's a shame really, his wife was barred from the local supermarket she'd probably been shoplifting'.

Cheryl was nodding 'Yes a right pair them two are and the kids just run riot, if you say anything to them you get a right mouthful'.

'I wonder what will happen to them, probably better for them if they go into care',said Sadie.'It will be better for the neighbourhood', she laughed.

They had met Dan and his wife Juliette at a barbecue last summer at a neighbours house.They had been the life and soul of the party,but their kids were a menace charging round on their bikes and nearly knocking people over.
Dan was covered with tattoo's  he looked really menacing, but she was quite pretty. They both drank too much and it wouldn't surprise me if they were on drugs, you hear about these sort of people.but later when they met they always spoke to them, tried to be neighbourly like.
Well it seems last year Dan had been out with this prostitute, and Juliette found out and she went berserk and threatened to castrate him and well what she would do with her wasn't quite what you talk about if you know what i mean.

Well the barmaid was a friend of Sadie's and she told me what happened, it seems he went into the bar and that prostitute was in there.She started mouthing it off about him and Juliette and he just went mad and hit her, she let out a scream and just crumpled like a concertina, blood was everywhere she'd hit the step and blood spurted right up the walls it just looked like a massacre. He stood with a look of horror on his face, I don't think he meant to kill her but it just happened. The police were called and he still just stood there with a gormless look on his face. The police wouldn't let anyone go till they'd questioned them. it was awful.

She said I'd never seen a dead body before it was unreal one moment she was mouthing him off and the next moment she was on the floor, she gave a funny gurgling noise and then she was still, her looked to be at a funny angle and her eyes were staring like saucers.It was awful I'm still having nightmares about it.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Did God really say !

sorry about last week had digital problems.

I just read about someone being told by god to move to a new location and the doubts that came in ,well I remember in 1986 we believed that god was telling us to move away from our home location in west Yorkshire UK we looked around and went to bible weeks in a different area and wondered about moving to Dorset but nothing opened up job wise, so we carried on praying and looking. At the time i had a mother with dementia in a residential home i spoke to the staff there who reassured me that she no longer recognised me and didn't like to be taken out has she became panicky when we tried. So with the reassurance that it was the best time to move . My children were teenagers the eldest said she would stay with her Grandfather and my younger daughter was at grammar school and insisted on staying with her friend whose family were in the Church, so we thought she would be alright.Our son was only fourteen so he would come with us.

Still wondering where god wanted us but feeling more and more we were in the wrong place I was  looking in the window of the Job centre in Bradford when I saw a post advertised for a deputy matron at a Nursing Home in Hastings East Sussex.I knew I was qualified to do the job has i was a Registered general nurse and had been nursing the elderly for some time. So after a discussion with my husband I applied for the post, I was successful has the owner came from Bradford and wanted some of his staff from that region, it also came with a three bed roomed flat looking over the sea it sounded perfect, but we had to make sure their was a church there similar to the one we were presently in So we decided to go down for the weekend my husband .found out their was a church in Hastings which was part of a group called coastlands and the Leader in charge of it was known to us so we contacted the one of the Elders and he arranged for us  to stay in a cottage owned by one of the members. It was beginning to feel right. We went down and explored the area and was really delighted with it, we then visited the Church and we just Knew it was right we were invited out for lunch everybody were so friendly. The cottage we were staying in was delightful..

So it happened in January 1987  we moved to Hastings we had to sell everything we had so we arrived with no car but a caravan not that useful without a car The enemy kept whispering are you sure god said But we were there the flat wasn't ready and we just laughed they put us up in a bed and breakfast .hotel which was not very good, so we managed to stay in the cottage we'd stayed in when we came to look.
The next morning their had been a snowfall and all the buses had stopped so for my first morning I had to walk to work, and the enemy kept whispering in our ears, but we believed it was the right move.
We got our son into a school and my husband found a job and eventually the flat was ready.
Our eldest daughter came down but said she would return every weekend, but of course she didn't Then My other daughter came down after she had finished her Exams she eventually got a place at Guy's Hospital to do her training.My Eldest daughter started at Hastings college for catering My Son had learning difficulties and went to special school he eventually left and started working in the home has a kitchen assistant and later has a carer.
So twenty seven years later we are still in the area and in the same church We have been cared for and well shepherded God new what he was doing .

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Smoking v Holy Spirit

In the news lately their has been a lot about people unable to quit smoking Hastings was especially mentioned, so I thought it might be helpful to some people for me to share my own battle. I smoked for about forty years and was totally addicted to it.One day I was trying to quit, and I was driving and became so era tic my Husband jumped out of the car and bought me some cigarettes. Another time I had been a Christian a number of years but was still unable to give up, when I sprained my ankle really badly, our house group leader at the time said to my Husband that it would be a good time for me to stop has I couldn't get to the shops, so not to get any for me. Well you know what it feels like when people try and make you do things, yes you're right I got the hump, so after Steve had refused to go to the shop I was livid and I crawled nearly a mile to the shop got my Cigs and crawled back again, I'm sure I looked really pathetic. So I did try many times and people prayed lots of times for me.
We had moved to Hastings in 1987 and joined  a church here  One of the elders was very supportive to me and when a visiting speaker came from India, they told me what a wonderful deliverance ministry he had so this was May 2002 I went to all the sessions and then on the last evening it was a Sunday evening Ram Babu began to speak on addictions, I knew this was my night, at the end he prayed for me and then the Elders wife spoke to me she said you've got to fight this and I knew this but suddenly something clicked in my spirit and so the fight began my addiction didn't just magically disappear it was something I had to walk through but the timing was mine.So what made the difference all I can say his that the Holy Spirit in me made it possible it was like it made me stand up on the inside and fight. There were times that I was so near giving in but something always happened to bring me through. I remember going in to town and I was definitely going to get cigarettes but I ran in to one of the ladies in the Church and I knew this was a God incidence  we went for a coffee together and she prayed with me.
The following weekend my son was getting married and at that time you could still smoke in Pubs and clubs, I went to the hen night and suffered every bodies smoking then the Wedding reception was in a cricket club, Somehow I got through all this without falling. I walked round the small seaside town I lived in walking the dog and praying gradually the cravings began to subside I believe at times God just carried me I learned so much about the goodness of God and his grace got me through, because it was such a difficult experience I have never been tempted to try smoking again when God does something for us its a real job he does and I can only give him praise for his deliverance if anyone reading this has a problem with smoking and would like me to pray for them please leave me a message it would be a privilege to help someone else.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

The Farmhouse

The silence was broken by the shower of nails, has reg pulled the nails out of the leather belts, and let them scatter over the already messy floor. Mary watched her brother in law , with a smile on her face.
'What's the matter Reg, you're attacking those belts like they have done you some harm'
'yes well we've got to get this order finished or we'll lose the contract, Dave should have been here today to help , but he had some excuse as usual'
'Well scowling and feeling resentful isn't going to help you get the job done any quicker is it'.
'Agh, you're not normal,being so placid I don't think you have got blood in your veins'.
'Calm down Reg you'll have a stroke carrying on like this, and then they won't get finished'.
He scowled even more and turned the wireless up, Mary sighed and carried on working.The single bulb in the workshop shone dimly, it was autumn and already getting dark and it was only four o clock. The place was really dilapidated there were three benches with these leather belts they came full of nails , which they had to pull out and and clean and smooth the belts. They were then sent away to be used in industry
Outside was the farmyard with the hens running around clucking, you could hear the cows in the field mooing, it would soon be time for.them to be milked. Mary enjoyed milking and had her own stool which she sat on for the milking. She knew each cow by name and got quite attached to them. But she wouldn't be milking them today, she had to stay to get this order finished. Finances were tight the old farmhouse took a lot of upkeep and he Nephew Michael was going to University soon. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth he was, didn't know what it was like to  go without. Everything he wanted he got, his mother Enid saw to that. she could see no wrong in him. he would break her heart one of these days she was sure.Mary had caught him with a girl in his bedroom, she was sure he had forced her against her will. she had told Enid but she said she was telling lies and if she told any more she would turn her out. She could be wicked at times, but she knew it was only words, Mary had been born a cripple and Enid had promised to let her live with her and Reg.
'I'm off to the cows, I'll come back when I've done ok'.
'All right Reg see you later'.

Suddenly she could hear shouting coming from the farm yard, Mary hurried as fast has she could on her crutches. What greeted her when she got outside shocked her, Reg was fighting with his son Michael, Reg was no match for his son who was a strong boy in the prime of life.reg hit Michael on the chest, Michael just stood and took it.
'I'm not fighting you dad you'd come off the worst and I can't do that to you'.
'I'll show you not to behave like this on my land', shouted Reg.
'You don't understand Dad Beth is so naive I was just trying to help her understand what young men expected these days'.
'I don't believe what I'm hearing, I'll castrate you myself you're a sex addict.'he got hold of Michael and shook him like a rat.
Enid was standing with her arms round Beth trying to comfort her, she was sobbing uncontrollably.
'Reg I think that's enough, leave Michael alone you're not doing any good, lets go inside and settle this like a decent family'.
Reg dropped his arms and began sobbing,'What have I bred, he's a monster'. he went inside shaking his head.

Next day the house was like a morgue, reg was out in the workshop, Mary would go and join him soon, but first she would speak to her sister last night she had left them to sort things out themselves they didn't want her butting in.
'What about Beth, has she told her mother Enid'
'No she's a good girl she won't say anything. Reg caught them before anything happened. 'Michael's lucky again then'.
'He'll be going to University soon so it will all blow over by the time he comes back'.
'Hi nothing changes he'll be smirking behind your back, he needs discipline, shame national service has stopped, that would have sorted him out'
Mary made her way to the workshop shaking her head .

Monday, 9 June 2014

The Adventures of an under aged rating    

Sam kicked the stones, he hated his life, and where he lived. He was the youngest child in a large family.his father was a fisherman and expected him to follow hi onto the boat's. However Sam wanted more than that, he dreamt of going to exotic places and seeing people that were different from him.
He lived in a Terrace house, their were seven children as well has \mum and Dad,his older brothers all worked on the boats and his sister worked gutting the fish, ooh that was an awful job. No he wanted something different, he had just finished school he was fourteen and he would soon be a man.. His Father ruled the household. Poor Mum didn't have a voice her job was to look after all of us. She worked scrubbing, washing, and baking for them all. She'd sew by candlelight patching up all their clothes.

On Sunday's they all had to go to Chapel in their best clobber, Sam hated it his shirt irritated him it was stiff, he'd rather be down by the sea shore dreaming.

One day he heard of a famous Admiral coming to give a talk in the Memorial hall, he was trying to recruit boys to join the Navy, now that would be something.So he decided to get himself dressed up like he was older, he was just desperate to be accepted.He knew his Father wouldn't give him his permission to join, so he had to look old enough to sign his own consent.

Has the day approached he secretly borrowed his brother Silas's clothes and he found his Identity card that said that the bearer was eighteen.
On the day he told his Parents that he was going to see one of his old School friends so he wouldn't be home for tea. He was really excited and his brother Silas noticed it.
'What are you up to Sam', he asked.
''Nothing I'm just going to see Will, to share what we're going to do now we've left school'.
'You sure you're not meeting girls or something'.
'No of course not I hate girls they're so giggly'.

Later that day he was sitting in the memorial hall riveted by the stories of far away places. The Officer that was with the Admiral said anyone interested in joining the navy were to line up in front of the table on the right Sam rushed over and joined the queue, he was really nervous.He had his brothers identity card in his pocket;he had to remember his name was Seth the photo  looked a bit like him so he had to hope for the best.He got to the front of the queue.
'What's your name', the officer asked.
'Seth Marlow Sir'.
'How old are you'
  'Eighteen Sir'
'Have you any identity',
'Yes Sir', and he handed him the identity card.
'Hmm it doesn't look much like you',
'It was taken a couple of years ago Sir'.
'Oh alright go into that room on your right to fill in the forms, he tried to walk nonchalantly over to the room,
when he really felt like running
Later that day he had a medical at the local hospital, if this is OK he was in.He couldn't believe it

Six weeks later he had been accepted and he was to join his first ship H.M.S. Jupiter he had hidden his uniform at his friends house and had his post sent there..He had written a letter to his Mum explaining his actions and Will would deliver it after he had sailed. Sam arrived at the station to catch a train to Portsmouth
He had been sent a pass so he didn't have to find the train fare.He boarded the train and he was away.
He arrived at the Dockyard and saw the officer who pointed to a ship he had his kitbag so he joined a group of sailors.
He was on board now and they were just heading out o he was beaming this was a real adventure they were heading towards the Azores wherever that was but it sounded great He knew he had found the chance he had been longing for.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

For the love of Spain   Part two                   

I got back to Spain in time for the Republic's offensive at Brunette which is west of Madrid,in July 1937. The hospital they sent me to was regularly bombarded in spite of having a big red cross on it's roof. Their was a a very good team, but i missed the closeness I'd had with Martin and the other medics, but the war had escalated and there wasn't much time to build up relationships. We had a job to do and we did it the best we could with very limited resources. Some times we had to work with torches has that was the only available light We worked late into the night most days. It was on one of these occasions that some of the team had gone back to there quarters so they could take over from us after the operation's were finished. We heard a lot of noise from planes and bombs dropping. Later we were told our quarters had taken a direct hit and their were no survivor's. The news hit me very hard we had all come to help and here our friends and colleagues had lost there lives.We were not the enemy, but we were told they were casualties of the war. I spent nights crying for them I wasn't much help so they moved me to a mobile unit up in the mountains at Terriely helping the wounded in the Republic's retreat eastwards
I met up again with Martin the surgeon I was with before and he seemed to quiet my fears and give me courage to carry on. He said how valuable was and so I pulled myself up  and concentrated on the job we had to do. Then their was a concentrated attack on the area we were in and the unit was bombed, I was injured I didn't remember much of what had happened. I woke up in a long barn full of wounded people their weren't many nurses or medics the surgeon did their best .Suddenly I found someone holding my hand and crying, I looked up and there was Simeon. 'Where have you come from', I stammered.
'I came back has a medic I wasn't well enough to fight'. 
I smiled here was a friend, and maybe more .
He kissed my hand, 'It will be alright you will get better  God put me here at this time to be with you I believe it's our destiny to be together'.
'Your English is good'
'I took lessons I was determined to find you again, I love you '. he smiled
I did recover but my injuries meant I would never be able to have children, still I had a life.
I was sent back to England to get proper medical care, Simeon came with me he just wouldn't leave me. When I fully recovered we were married and bought a smallholding and we were content to have a quieter life .

Saturday, 17 May 2014

The Power of Time

I am the ruler of this household,
I'm the keeper of time
that's what makes the world go round,
I rule the world

Everyone believes in time,
I am a powerful force in the world
Transport systems build tables around me,
I rule the world.

People take me wherever they go,
 they have their watches and mobile phones
no one can live without me,
I rule the world.

Every country venerates me,
I'm the greatest most important thing,
Rulers come and go , but I remain always.
I rule theworld.

Work places , schools and colleges,
all bend to my authority
people rise and retire at my word.
I rule the world.

The Moon and stars appear at my bidding,
The tides ebb and flow at my command
I really am wonderful,
I rule the world, WoW

Saturday, 10 May 2014

A Dutiful Wife A Monologue

I shouldn't be feeling like this,I was sitting in the specialists consulting room, he had a Macmillan nurse with him. Derek my husband was just been given his diagnosis, he had been unwell for about three months' It started with him experiencing acute abdominal pain, then his abdomen swelled up. But it wasn't till he started vomiting that he went to the Dr, then he started to go yellow. The Dr was quite concerned and referred him to the Hospital specialist. Since then he'd had various tests, now it was time for the results.Mr Wilson the specialist was saying he had a malignant tumour of the liver, which was inoperable. How long have I got asked Derek, Well it varies Mr Wilson was saying , but I would expect between three and six month's. I held his hand because they would expect me to give him my support, I was trembling I think Derek thought it was because I was so upset with the diagnosis. But actually I felt such a sense of relief, it was like a get out clause. I must listen to what they are saying , they were telling us about support groups, but Derek said that he had me so that's all he needed. They said they would give him something for pain and that a Macmillan nurse would visit just to keep an eye on things, and see if we were coping. I looked across at Derek he looked to be struggling to concentrate, I suppose he was thinking about what his life was going to be like,He had always been in control of his destiny, but now that would be different. I felt for him he looked beaten but we'd see he'd just had a shock.

Then we were outside we didn't speak much their wasn't anything left to say. We just went home and I made a nice cup of tea.

They said the Marriage wouldn't last, but they didn't realise how stubborn I was, I believed marriage was for life so I just had to make the best of it. Like a lot of men in the fifties they were the boss and Wives had to do has they were told. It's all different now of course, a good job too I wouldn't want my girls to go through what I had. He always worked hard though I had to give him that.
When he came home he expected his Dinner on the table, the kids had to be quiet and pay him respect, but kids aren't like that are they. So of course they upset him and he'd start shouting at them and me. It was always my fault I didn't know how to raise them. We had three girls and one boy so it was difficult to keep them quiet they were always squabbling with each other.
Then he'd go out to the pub, it was a relief really. I'd get all the Kids to bed and have his slippers waiting for him in front of the fire and a cup of Cocoa ready for him.Sometimes he'd be full of praise for me but other times I could do nothing right. he would belt me then and shut me out of the bedroom. I didn't mind that at least he wouldn't be pawing me.
I learnt to lookout for the children protecting them from him.
Then one by one they got married and I was left alone with him. I had been dreading the time when they would all have moved out, but it was inevitable of course they grow up and move on.

Now it was all different he needed me to look after him. But now I could dream about what I'd do when he'd gone, it was hard to believe that in six month's time he should be gone but I wouldn't be surprised if he defied medical science and recover from it.

I hope he doesn't suffer much I wouldn't wish that on anyone.The children couldn't take it in he'd always been so strong, they asked if I needed help but I said no, now he was so vulnerable i could cope, I didn't need to be frightened of him any more.Isn't life funny their really is a season for everything I think my time is just beginning.The treatment upset his system sometimes and he'd get the runs and he would feel humiliated , well I think you get your comeuppance for what you've done well I think he's got his now.
He's looking really yellow now, even the whites of his eyes are.and the weight his just falling off him, I can't believe how he's changed he's just shrinking before my eyes.Derek was always a big man and had a kind of presence with him.But now he looks like an old man.He gets muddled sometimes I think he's frightened of dying maybe he'll have to answer for how he's been

We've made all the arrangements it feels strange organising his Funeral when he's still here. They asked if I wanted him to go into an Hospice but \I said no after all I promised to care for him till death us do part, so that's what I'll do, I'll keep my side of the bargain.
I was just sitting dreaming of what I'd do after he'd gone.I thought I might get a little dog, Derek would never let us have one, so I rang the R S PC A and they said they would come and see if our house was suitable. When they came he was asleep luckily has I don't Know how I would have explained their visit. She went away happy and said she'd be in touch.

Well he's gone now,I couldn't quite believe it, he went to sleep and just slipped away like.It was a quiet Funeral not many people had kept in touch when he became ill. The Children were all there of course.I don't know how I would have managed without them. It was a simple funeral the Vicar had asked what he was like, well I couldn't tell him that, so I just told him what he wanted to hear.
It feels quiet now every one has gone the Children wanted me to stay with one of them , but I said no I would enjoy the quietness.
I'm really excited I'm going to look at a rescue dog, its a King Charles Spaniel They said its a delightful dog its called Lucy and she's been ill treated Well I know all about that, I think we'll be just right for each other. I collected her and bought a new bed for her and some food and toys. She'll be spoiled rotten you know, but we will have a good life together.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

I come from

I come from Bradford , City of woollen mills with long chimney's belching black smoke.
Trolley buses and tram's with conductor's taking fares.
I come from teachers without humour harsh words deforming learning.
of straps and canes and standing in detention.

I come from terrace houses with back yards, with swings and outside  toilets,
I come from ration books and sweet coupons, six old pence pocket money.
wireless with uncle mac for children of books by Enid Blyton, and Girls Crystal
comic and Eagle for boys getting lost in fantasies and writing my own.

I come from washing tubs and mangles, Mondays always washing day.
mum working has dressmaker sewing until late at night,
Dad working nights at children Hospital has a porter.
Granny looking after my brother and I .

Playing all fours and gin rummy with Granny after school, my brother cheating .
Sunday roast and  high tea using best china with cakes and trifle.
I come from teddy boys and Beatniks,Jazz and Rock and Roll.
of coffee Bars to hang out with our friends.

I come from walks on Shipley Glen and Ilkley moors
Mum sharing her heart when I was too young to know
 I come from working in bakery day release at Technical College.
and from grimy streets and secret lives

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Miracle in Mum's kichen

Andy was thinking about what he'd been told at school that day. It was in the R.I. lesson, they were not taught as if it was fact, but were told to make their own mind up about it. Today it had been about the feeding of the five thousand. Andy didn't think it was true, hid Dad had told him it was all just folklore and myth's. It didn't help that he was sure the teacher didn't believe it you could tell by the way he told it. It was on the syllabus so he had to teach it and that's all.

His Mum believed all this stuff, maybe he'd ask her about it. I mean feeding five thousand people and all their families has well, with just five loaves and two fishes. No mum and sister and himself could eat that between them. So if that wasn't true what about the rest of the Bible.

Later that night he said 'mum you know the story about feeding the five thousand, what do you think. I don't really think it was possible'.
'Well Andy naturally it wouldn't be possible, but this his about Jesus and he can do impossible things, I believe it's true because God never lies and it's in his book so it has to be true or it wouldn't be there.'
Andy was frowning 'well my Dad doesn't believe it and neither do I '.
'Well let me tell you what happened a few years ago to us, God provided for us in a miraculous way'.
It was just after your dad had left us, and we were struggling to cope financially, I couldn't go out to work has you were only young and Megan had just started college. One day she said can I bring my friends from the Christian Union home has we have no where to meet, and oh can you make us some supper has we're coming straight from College.
Well I thought what am I to give them, their isn't much food in the house. But I went to the freezer to look, it was practically empty, but I found a pound of sausages, but that wouldn't go far between all those Students Megan had said their were about twelve of them coming. and then their was you and me has well. So I prayed to God about it and said they were coming to learn more about you. So I thought I would cut the sausage up and put it in a casserole I had found a few vegetables from the weekend  and some potatoes . I put it all in a casserole dish and put it in the oven. Then I said well it's up to you now Lord I'm just leaving it in your hands.'

'Well they all came and sat down wherever they could and I started serving them supper, and I noticed that the level in the casserole dish wasn't going down I had served more than half of the students and it was still nearly full, anyway I carried on and finished serving them and then I served you and myself. I looked round and saw the young people's plates were empty, so I asked if they wanted seconds yes they said so I continued to serve them and when I had served the last one then I looked and the dish was empty, but every one had eaten has much has they could. Well I really praised God for what he had done, I then went and told the Students what had happened and they were all really touched by it. Since then I can believe all the miracles without a doubt, but you will have to decide for yourself. But to me it was just has great a miracle has the feeding of the five thousand'.
Andy was having trouble believing it  but then he said.
'Well Mum, I've got to believe what you've told me, I think I will come to Church with you on Sunday, I have to start my own search now'.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

New Beginnings

Where do you go with three children under five, that was the dilemma I was in.I wanted out of the marriage, it just wasn't working I didn't love him any more and i was sure he no longer loved me.  I had decided to go and see a solicitor in the morning to start the ball rolling.Suddenly I began to think of two night sister's I used to work with. Their lives were so different to anybody I had ever met, they were born again Christians and they were so happy. I couldn't understand why, at the time I was preparing to get married to Steve, but they were far happier than I was. They were both single with no obvious plans to get married, all they did was come to work and go to Church. Can God really make you so happy. They had invited me to their Church and I'd gone along but I was getting married I couldn't live like them.I needed to live and enjoy life. So I walked away and got married life was great for a while, Steve was away at sea a lot with the Navy. It was his uniform that first attracted me. Silly falling in love with a uniform. It was exciting waiting for him to come home, he would always have gifts he'd bought abroad. Then the children came along I came back to my home town when I was expecting has he was away and wouldn't be back till after the birth. It was when He came out of the navy we weren't used to being together all the time and we didn't seem to get along.

Now with three children we both loved to bits, but money was short and I couldn't work much with young children. He was out working at a bar for extra money, the children were all asleep in bed. So I had time to think, I got a desire to look at the Bible that my friends Olga and Irene loved so much, I opened it up and my eyes were drawn to the words 'Do not leave your husband', I knew it was out of context, but I also knew God was speaking to me. It was quite scary I didn't think that sort of happened today.

Next morning I rang Olga up and told her what had happened and she laughed and said 'yes God is really on your case'.
She said she would ring her Pastor and said ring me later.
That evening I was in the Pastor's office, I gave my life to Jesus and I felt a piece I'd never known before. I went home and told Steve and he said well that's al right .
The Church taught me that love wasn't just a feeling but you had to decide to love then the feelings would follow so I tried that and slowly things changed between us..
Olga and Irene were very supportive of me in those early days and helped me to grow in the faith.

A little while later The pastor spoke about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I knew I wanted that so I went forward and he prayed for me I said a few words that sounded like jibberish but he said no it was speaking in tongues and that more would follow. That night I  was so excited I couldn't sleep and suddenly I felt the holy Spirit in the room and I began speaking words I didn't understand, but I felt a heat radiating out from within and I knew I had received the gift of the Holy Spirit   God became very real to me after that and has been ever since.
The Pastor was a very wise man and told me to put Steve first and if he wanted to do something else when I wanted to come to Church to do what he wanted and also not to give any money to the church till he wanted to give.  it wasn't long after putting him first that he started to come to church and very soon He also became a Christian, after that we had Jesus in our marriage and that made all the difference. We have now been married forty six years, we have never regretted becoming Christians, our lives now have purpose and we have a friend in Jesus that never leaves us and he guides and directs our lives.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Quest

The Auction room was buzzing,their had been a lot of publicity about this sale.It was a specialist sale with a lot of Chinese Antiquities. That was why Cheung was here. His father had received a phone call from his Uncle telling him about the sale. He told him he had to go to England has his uncle had seen the catalogue for this Auction sale and said their was a Buddha statuette in the sale like the one stolen from their village.

The Buddha statuette had been in the Buddhist Temple at the top of there village. They believed it guarded the village and brought good luck and blessings to their community.But two years ago thieves had broken into the temple and stolen the statuette. Since then they had nothing but bad luck and calamities. Now they had a dangerous shortage of water and the Elders of the temple said it was because Buddha was displeased that his statuette was no longer in position in the Temple.They believed if they got the Buddha back it would bring blessings they had previously enjoyed and that the water would start flowing again.

So here he was in the Auction room, he noticed a young Englishman who seemed very flamboyant, and was bidding on all the Chinese antiquities. he seemed to have plenty of money and the Auctioneer knew him by name, he called him Mr Davis, he had already bought a silver dragon and a bronze tiger for a very large amount of money. Cheung was worried he wouldn't have enough money to outbid this man, but he dare not go home without it.
The Auctioneer said the next lot was the much sought after Buddha Statuette, the guide price his between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds, so let us start at a thousand pounds, Cheung's hand shot up, then Mr Davis said 2,000 and their were several other bids. But it settled down to between Cheung and Mr Davis, It became very tense in the room Cheung felt the sweat running down his back.It had reached 7,000 pounds now and Cheung had nearly reached his limit, but his village depended on him getting the statuette,he bit his lip nervously. The Auctioneer said its with Mr. Davis at 8,000 pounds he looked at Cheung but he shook his head he hadn't got enough money for it. 'Right sold to Mr.Davis for 8,000 pounds and his Gavil came down, it was over Cheung hung his head bitterly disappointed.

Cheung stood waiting outside the saleroom waiting for the Englishman to come out, he'd thought of approaching him to try and do a deal with him. But he'd seen the gleam of triumph in his eyes and new it was no good. He emerged at last with someone carrying the goods for him, well he'd wait till he was alone, he had to have it, he just waited for the right moment.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

ltfe at Crief Hydro part two

In the evening I met a kitchen porter called Johnnie he was handsome in a rugged sort of way, and we just clicked.He asked me to go for a walk with him, so we walked round the grounds which were really extensive and with the mountains in the distance, it was a really special place. Johnnie asked me to be is girl and he would look out for me and protect me, it sounded very romantic. He then told me about seeing his Mother shot and killed on a train in Glasgow, it had obviously affected him deeply, and I felt really sorry for him.
So life became very exciting Johnnie took me everywhere, we had picnics out and long walks, he took me to local dances. Then he asked me to go to a dance in Auchtararder, that was where my Auntie and Uncle lived so I had been there for holidays quite often in the past.I was looking forward to going there so I made an effort and put on my favourite black dress, it looked really good .

We arrived at Auchtararder in an old cortina car.the dance hall was really the town hall, we climbed the stairs and we could hear the music before we opened the door, then it engulfed us. The band were dressed in blue blazors, they looked really cool. But Johnnie was steering me towards the dance floor.
'Come on let's dance'. He was dressed in drainpipe trousers and a long yellow jacket with velvet lapels. He looked a bit like a teddy boy.
The hall was large with a high roof,it was really ornate a bit Victorian looking.Their were tables round the room with chairs round them and ashtrays, I liked the smell of smoking I thought it looked cool smoking.Then we were dancing but, Johnnie had two left feet.

My heart stopped  there standing in front of us was Iain Sinclair,I knew him from having holidays here he was a friend of my Uncle's family.He was really handsome but I had always preferred his brother Donald he was more rugged looking but he had joined the navy.Iain used to come round and ask me out but I always said no.. But now he looked really grown up I knew he wanted me to dance, but I dare not Johnnie was too possessive.

'What you looking at, she's with me right'.
'Well I knew her long before you mate and I want to talk to her'.
'Well you can't', and he started jabbing Iain, so clear off or I'll do for you mate'. Then they started with small thumps and then it got more intense.
'Stop it Johnnie', I cried but he wasn't listening, I could feel sweat forming on my forehead and my neck it was trickling down my back. I didn't want them to hurt each other I liked them both. The air became oppressive people were crowding round to watch and were shouting 'come on Iain give it him and Johnnies friends were goading him to' finish him off Johnnie he's too pretty give him a black eye'.
'Stop it Stop it I shouted I began to cry and could feel the saltiness of my tears, it became very hot and I began to feel light headed the sounds seemed to be far away now and I couldn't reach them I knew I was falling and I couldn't do anything about it.

When I came round I was in the car,   they were all laughing about the fight

Next day I knew Iain would have told my Auntie ,I would have to ring and find if he was all right I couldn't get any sense out of Johnnie
Next day my mother rang and asked  me to ring home,I rang and she said my Auntie had rung and was worried about the company I was keeping and wanted me to come home.I told her I was fine and rang off. Later that week I was called into the Housekeeper's office it seemed my Mother had written and given my notice and has I was under eighteen she had no choice but to implement it.
Later I received a train ticket  I was really furious and when I got home  I didn't speak to my Mum for ages.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Life at Crief Hydro part one

I'm so excited I'm going to Scotland to work with horses,well I do have to work in the hotel first, but then I can live my dream.My Mother is with me on the train to make sure I get there safely and see what the place his like. My Auntie and uncle got me the job has they live just seven miles away in Auchtararder, so they were near if I needed them. The job was at Crief Hydro in Perthshire, I was to work in reception giving out post and newspapers and helping the residents in any way they asked. afterwards I can go and help in the stables.
We arrived at Perth station and were in a taxi taking us to the Hydro, we entered a drive which was long and winding lined on both sides with tree's. We went to the front entrance, the doorman looked down his nose at us and sent us round the back. We met the housekeeper there who was very friendly and explained my duties to me . Then she showed us round, explaining that the Hydro was a kind of convalescence hotel for the upper classes.She showed us my bedroom which was right at the top of the house.It was quite frugal with a bed, a dressing table and a chair.Still it was mine.Then she took us to the Staff's rest room and introduced me to the staff there, then she got someone to take us to the stables. I met Moira who ran the stables she was really nice and showed me the horses, my Mum stayed outside, she didn't fancy horses and things.

Well my mother has gone to stay with my Uncle and auntie for the night before she gets the train back tomorrow. So now my life can really begin now I'm on my own.It feels a bit scary but exciting has well.I was sat in the staff's rest room, their were old leather chairs and settee's  round the sides of the room, the floor had a faded carpet that had seen better days. there were tables with chairs round them. Two men were playing cards and some girls were playing draughts an older man was reading the paper. a young woman called Glenda was sat with me she told me a bit about the place and said she was a waitress in the same area that i would be working so she would keep an eye out for me.It seemed their was a minibus to take residents to town and we were allowed to take a lift on it. Crief was about two miles away it was a very pretty small town
Next morning I started work at 7am I had a small desk with partitions behind me for the post and newspapers for me to hand out to the residents .But first i had to empty the ashtrays in the conservatory before the people came down for coffee which I was to serve them.
Later I went down to the stables and helped to muck out the horses stables, i had done this at home for free rides at the local stables .The horses were lovely, Moira said I could ride one in a few days. I think I'll be alright here.

Watch out for part two next week

Saturday, 22 March 2014

9 20 to Southampton by Heather Benn

Jo and Alf were marching through the town of Morley in West Yorkshire'They had both joined up and were setting off to war, they had been to training camps but now this was the real thing They were on there way to Southampton to join a Troop ship, they didn't know where it was taking them but this was so exciting , everyone could see they were doing there duty and it felt good.
When they boarded the train it was already half full with soldiers, a whistle blew and they were on their way.They watched the town disappear they passed all the mill buildings looking really grimy in the weak sunlight. It was early March and still quite wintery their had been hail storms the day before but today was lovely and sunny but still a little chilly.

'Come on Jo we'll take a walk ,down the corridor'.
'Yes ok it may be quieter further down, but i doubt we'll find any seats its just so packed'.
They both shuffled past soldiers looking out of the , it was ess crowded has they went further down.They were looking in each carriage looking for seats when Alf stiffened
'Jo look at that soldier he looks really odd'.
'Yes he does lets look closer, its unusual for him to be on his own when the train is so crowded'.
They entered the carriage and Jo gasped
'He's dead looks like he's hung himself'.
Alf pulled the emergency cord and the train screeched and shuddered and finally came to a stop. they could hear the guard running down the corridor till he got to the.
'What you two up to pulling the cord thats only'---he suddenly saw the dead soldier, 'Oh blimey what's happened here,'
'We don't know  we just found him', said Alf.
'Alright don't touch anything I'll have to radio for help, said the guard.

What do you think  has happened to him', said Alf.
'I reckon he was frightened of fighting and ended it all'.                                                                                 'No I think someone did this to him, he looks like he's been thumped, look he's got a bruise over his eye, he didn't do that to himself', said Alf.

The Police surgeon was examining the body, 'well it looks like he's been given a beating, I'm afraid you've got a murder on your hands Inspector'.
'I was afraid of that ', said Inspector Davis. he looked to his Sergeant.'We've got work to do'
'Yes Sir,'
Start by taking statements off these two soldiers that found him'
Alf and Jo gave their statements and were told they would be contacted.
'But we're going to fight the war 'said Jo.
'Yes well  I'll have to contact your Commanding officer', replied the Inspector has long has we know where you are'.
The body had been removed and they were proceeding on their journey, the carriage had been locked so no one could remove any clues and the police were still on the train speaking to people.
They were hanging round the corridor when Alf noticed something on the floor sticking out of the door,
'Look Jo',
 they pulled it out of the crevice it was caught in,
'Its an identity card said Jo, had we better tell the Police'.
'Not likely said Alf, they treated us like criminals I think we can solve this ourselves they're a right couple of wallies they don't seem to know there is a war on'.
'Lets look see if we know whose it is', said Jo'
'No I've never seen him he's called Mortimer Liston, what sort of ponsy name is that', said Alf.
They both sniggered 'Lets see if we can see him'.
They walked down the corridor looking in all carriages when suddenly they came face to face with the soldier on the card, Alf tried to hide it behind his back but it was too late
'What have you got there soldier, I think it belongs to me, so hand it over or their will be trouble'.
Jo screamed out Police', then all hell broke out The soldier in the photo tried to get away but Alf grabbed hold of him and Joe tripped him up and he was sprawling on the floor when the Inspector arrived.
'What's going on here boys'
Alf waved the identity card in the air, we found this and then he tried to get it off us so we shouted for you'.
'Ah well done boys, it looks like we've found our killer,'
He got hold of the guilty soldier and said'You come with us you've got some explaining to do. you boys will have to make another statement I'm afraid'.
.Yes Sir, no problem said Jo and Alf nodded in agreement.


Saturday, 15 March 2014

The Sea of Sand by Heather Benn

The sea of sand they called it, but it was really just a  dessert, the Sinai dessert in Egypt. I looked from the Jeep at the panoramic view. I walked over from the road to the shimmering sea in the half light, the clouds were menacing, it was eerie and the solitude got right inside of you.    

There was a single tree, they said to follow behind it to the dune beyond, and you will see the Bedouin camp.I measured my steps, I wanted to be sure of finding my way back, One,Two,Three.

Suddenly I sensed a movement to my left, a Camel came into view with a lone Nomad leading it. No doubt he'd come to guide me.

I had met an Arab at a camel fair in Alexandria, he said he had been trading with a Dutchman and had acquired this stone.It was a real beauty but it wouldn't feed the camels.

So here I was, they said come alone the Nomad beckoned me, and I went to meet him. Would I come back, you hear such stories but they are probably exaggerated. We  shook hands and he led me off into the dessert. I could feel the grit in my face a storm was blowing up I'd heard of storms in the dessert but I had never experienced one.The wind shrieked, the sand whipped up like a whirling Dervisher. I pulled my scarf up over my mouth. I kept my head down.  Then I was surrounded by camels and Nomads.

They led me to their tent, it was a relief to get out of the storm. They gave me some liquid, they said it was tea but it tasted dreadful.

I woke up, I didn't know where I was, my head felt muzzy and my mouth was full of grit. The sand swept over me, I looked around, I could see nothing and it felt like I was sinking down, down, down. A sea of sand they said.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Unconscious at Treliske Hospital

Steve's Father rang, that was unusual, he told me he'd had a telegram from Steve's commanding officer in the Royal Navy. Their had been an incident at the naval base where he was stationed. Someone had poisened him and he was unconscious in the Treliske Hospital, which was in Cornwall where he was stationed. His Father said he was unable to go has his new grand  daughter was having a heart operation

So I was on my way by train to Truro, I had got compassionate leave from the hospital where I worked. It was quite late when I got to Truro has it was a long journey from West Yorkshire, but I got a Taxi straight to the hospital.  I found out where he was and spoke to the Sister on duty, she said their was no change in his condition but she would get the Consultant to  see me in the morning.  

I sat with him and held his hand he had a drip up and a tube into his stomach.I spoke to him has I believed that it was possible unconscious people could respond to touch and sound, After a while the sister brought me a cupof tea which was very welcome, and asked where I would spend the night. Well I'll stay here with Steve.
'Yes but you would be better getting some rest, you've had a long journey and I'm sure you are very tired'.
'Well yes, but where could i go at this time of night'.
'We have a list of people willing to put people up when they are visiting the Hospital and i took the liberty of contacting one, has I knew you were coming a long distance, so I only need to give her a ring to confirm your booking'.
'Yes that would be very kind of you'.
So I went to this bed and breakfast  accommodation, the lady was very kind and gave me a warm supper.
The place was clean but basic, and I. was really thankful.
I knelt down by the bed and prayed that is really prayed desperately for the first time in my life. I promised to follow him all my life if he would just heal Steve.

The next morning I saw the consultant at the hospital they showed me to the sister's office, and Mr Gerald and the Sister was there. He explained hat they didn't expect Steve to gain consciousness and if by some chance he did he would have permanent brain damage, in fact he said he would just be like in a vegetable state.
It was silent in the office they were waiting for some response from me but I couldn't take it in. Then I started shaking and then the tears came and I just couldn't stop, the sister came and put her arm round me and I heard the consultant slip quietly away, I sensed what was going on but I couldn't respond.
Gradually the tears stopped,
'I'm sorry i said but it was such a shock, but he may be wrong it is possible isn't it'.
'Yes we will just have to wait and see won't we'.
I went into see him then and they brought me a drink. Later that day My Mum arrived she had travelled all that way to support me.It was nice to have someone to speak to

Next  morning I went in to see him and I couldn't believe my eyes he was sat up in bed and looked absolutely normal, he was in for another three weeks and made steady progress They said he might have        Liver and Kidney damage, but he never had any problems.I thanked the Doctors and Nurses but never said thank you to God who I'm sure did more than the doctors had done has they had given up on him. How ungrateful I was, but the day would come when I addressed that.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

The Sea by heather Benn

                                                               The Sea  

                           The gulls swept across the sky squawking,
                            like Seraphs announcing the dawn of a new day.
                            The sea below mirrored the gulls
                             The sun was rising with a red fanfare.

                             Dissolving the remaining shadows,
                             with its startling effervescence
                             The feathery waves rendered a musical symphony.
                             Awakening nature to its creation.

                           The tide ebbed and flowed throughout the day,
                            like a bird lighting on the tops of the waves,              
                            Flying and dipping, flying and dipping.
                            Has the bird so the waves with the same monotony.

                            Then on the horizon , a cloud approached
                            to end the peacefulness of the day.
                            It scudded across the bay, the sky was leaden,
                            snuffing out the light, then came the rain.

                            Lashing across the bay, where was the beauty now!
                            thunder rolled around like the beginning of war.
                            With its cracks like gunfire, and lightening
                            like the flashes of the guns.

                           Now the light has gone, another day over
                           the sea silvery under the darkening sky.
                           The gulls had gone to there nest
                            waiting for the dawn of another day.

                          The wind arose and whipped the waves
                           like creamy champagne, bubbling up.
                           And shooting skywards like the cork has been pulled
                           So the drama of the elements were being played out..

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Memories of childhood

It was Monday morning and I was seven years old, my brother Peter was ten.

It was breakfast time, I was having jam and bread sandwiches. I hated them they went all soggy in your mouth.
My Mum had gone to work, my Granny was in the cellar possing the washing. Peter was sat at the table eating his breakfast, he'd covered the table with his jam and bread and was reading his Beano comic at the same time. I was sitting on the floor by the coal fire, I had moved the fire guard because I was was warm and I felt sleepy. Suddenly Peter jumped up and knocked the ribbon out of my hair, I looked in horror it was all burnt. He shouted 'Granny, Heather has set herself on fire'.
My Granny came running up the stairs and gave me a wallop round my head.
'I've told you before about sitting too close to the fire, and who moved the fire guard.'
I ran upstairs crying, I spat out the jam sandwich,'so their'I wiped my mouth with my hand and then wiped it on my dress.and there was jam all over it.
My Granny came upstairs and started shouting at me.
'And look at your dress you'll have to change it.come on or you will be late for School'.
I scowled, I heard the door bang, that was Peter off he wouldn't walk with me, he didn't like me I don't Know why he bothered pulling my ribbon out, he didn't like me.

I set off to School, dawdling up the road, making sure I didn't tread on a nick or I'd be buried in a brick. I got to School and it looked really quiet, perhaps I was early after all. I went toe the toilets which was in the playground and played around, then I went to the school to see if it was open.Yes it was, so I went into the cloakroom and hung up my coat. Then I played swinging round the coats, when I heard a shout
'What are you doing in here, you should be in class', shouted the Teacher.
'But I thought I was early', I said
'Early, I think not, School started an hour ago.get to your class at once'.
'Yes Sir' I said and ran out with my head hung down.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

My Paraglyde adventure

My two daughter's were telling me about their paragliding in turkey, We were going the following year with them and some friends from the rowing club. So one of my girls said you could do it mum, so for some insane reason I said yes, has I wouldn't go in a chair lift at Butlin's was really quite stupid of me.So I thought the only way I would go through with it his if I did it for charity. I was involved with the national Healing rooms so I decided to do it for them.I collected about two hundred pounds so i really couldn't back out
The day arrived for my paraglyde jump A mini bus took us up to the top of Bagadag mountain the bus went up and up I thought we would end up in Heaven.Eventually we arrived, my stomach was doing somersaults.I felt very vulnerable and fearful. They paired us up with instructers according to our size i had a very handsome young man. He put me in the harness and layed out the chute ready to go. I was watching other people taking off you had to run off the mountain and keep running till they told you to sit down.Its really not normal to run off a mountain all your instincts tell you to stop.So I ran but not fast enough and we had a false start my girls were watching and thought I'd bottled out, but no I was determined to do it. Next time I ran and got up we hung in the air waiting for the thermals to catch us, then we went further up and started to wobble my partner assured me it was normal. But i was sure I was going to fall out if the harness.To say iwas petrified was putting it mildly. I called out to god and said you've got to take this fear away I'm doing it for your Healing rooms. I felt his presence with me, I felt him saying just relax back intothe seat and I will hold you. I began to relax a little, I could see my grandson he waved to me. we were gently moving, I declined to do tricks that was asking too much but we slowly floated down and over the sea. We were down before i realised it. It was very exhilerating . But I decided I had to do it again to make sure my fear had gone.

So the following week I was going up in the mini bus again. This time we went to the pinnacle of the mountain I paired up with a man called Deniz which pleased me has that was my Grandsons name.We got off quite quickly and I had no fear at all it was just an awesome experience and we even did tricks coming down It was really exhilerating I know I met Jesus on that mountain.Will I do it again, Yes I can't wait.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

My Bulgarian trip

My Husband and I, were on our way to Bulgaria for a holiday.After we had booked ,we met a young Bulgarian man, he was looking for a lively church in Hastings so we brought him to our church.In conversation he told us he'd had to leave his home because of his Christian beliefs and he had been to a bible college in Scandanavia. But now that Communism has collapsed he had been back to his home to see his parents and to Burghas where he had been a member of a evangelical church, which had just reopened . He had come to England to improve his English. Has we talked he realised we were going to be staying just three Kilometer's from his parents. So he asked if we would visit them so we said we would be happy to meet them. He then told us of the plight of his church has all their bibles had been confiscated when the communists took over the country and now they were very scarce and materials for children's work were non existent. So we decided to try and help them. We contacted a company called No Frontiers that translated Bibles and other Christian materials in every language.So we bought a supply of bibles and children's material
So here we were on our way, the flight was delayed, but we eventually  boarded just before midnight.The plane was very antiquated , it looked like it had been hand painted. Our seats were at the back of the plane, I looked under the seat for the life jacket but their was none there, my husband had one, well I expect they would have spares if we needed them, hopefully we wouldn't.
At about one am in the morning they put a plank across the aisle and said the bar his now open, all they were serving was spirits and vodka mostly, all I wanted at that time was a cup of tea.So i declined and tried to sleep. we eventually landed in Bulgaria, you could tell the Russian influence, it was very regimented, but it was in the early nineties and so it was not surprising we had to queue for everything, we had to pay for visa's to get in the country.Then I noticed people were in a queue with their luggage and has I watched I saw they were scanning there luggage before  they were allowed in the country, at that time we had never experianced that before.
We joined the queue apprehensively. We weren't sure about our case full of literature, I rather felt we would be in trouble, I looked at my Husband and could see he was worried too, but we just had to bluff it out, I started praying desperately for a miracle.I came out in a cold sweat and started shaking, my Husband held my hand to hide our nervousness..Our cases were just approaching the scanner, when suddenly there was  a 
tremendous argument going on, a Bulgarian lady was screaming and shouting at one of the passport control officers, she was waving her arms and everybody stopped to watch including the officer in charge of the scanner. Our cases passed through the scanner without anyone watching what was in them. when the shouting stopped the officer didn't seem to realise our cases had not been examined, he smiled at us and we were through. I have no idea what the commotion was about but I know the timing was of the Lord's, he was looking after us and his word. 
The church was very grateful for the Literature which made it all worth it
We went on to enjoy our holiday and meeting the Parents. of the young Bulgarian, his mother and sister later became Christians  We remained friends with his mother and we had her staying with us when he later married a English girl. But we will  always remember our first experience of Bulgaria.