Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Ancient and Modern Blog action14 #inequality#oct16

Throughout the ages God has spoken about the poor, in the old testament he set out laws to protect and provide for them. Deuteronomy Ch 15 V7 tells his people to be open handed to the poor and to lend freely, and in the seventh year to wipe out any debts that were owed them. In Psalm 72 V13  says God will have pity on the weak and needy. And in many other places it tells how God thinks about the poor, he loves them and always wants his people to help and love them.The laws about the poor were like the social services of their day, but because it was law to do these things, people resented having to keep these laws.

When Jesus came he brought in a new Covenant of grace and he wants us to keep these laws because we want to. In Luke ch4 v18 he says The spirit of the lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. he has sent me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, toproclaim the year of the Lords favour. Then he said today that scripture is fulfilled.

So again god is telling us how he feels about the poor.So today he asks us to care for the poor, it is not only the Governments work but every one of us, especially our Churches. We are seeing the churches now stand up and say yes we will strive to fulfil Gods heart for the poor.

We are seeing food banks filling the need where their is a gap in social services payments, leave people without  money to feed their families. People come in tears because their benefits have been stopped for various reasons. Christians against poverty is another  church based charity which is helping people to budget and learn how to cope they are supported every step of the way until they become debt free. The people then rejoice and are so grateful for the help they have received. It is good the church is responding in this way.

What about the benefit system, they are cutting people's benefits to the disabled, the elderly, those on Job seeker's allowance, but worse is the way they treat people, everyone is treated has been dishonest until they can prove otherwise. Some people feel so degraded that they won't ask for help'

Often you see them living rough on the streets and even then the Police will move them on has they don't want homeless people in there area. During the winter months an organisation called Snowdrop is providing night shelter for some of those people in Church buildings, where again Christians are welcoming them in a non judgemental way. They are provided with a bed and supper and breakfast in the morning.

We all know that monet is short today, but we can all be kind and not judge the poor, they often feel that society shuns them, and speaks unkindly to them. But think no one knows whaat is round toe corner for us, some of these people are well educated but things have gone wrong for them. So perhaps we can all make a difference on some small way every act of kindness is so appreciated. So please when you come across these people have compassion for them and trea them with dignity, we all deserve that.

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