Sunday, 6 July 2014

Did God really say !

sorry about last week had digital problems.

I just read about someone being told by god to move to a new location and the doubts that came in ,well I remember in 1986 we believed that god was telling us to move away from our home location in west Yorkshire UK we looked around and went to bible weeks in a different area and wondered about moving to Dorset but nothing opened up job wise, so we carried on praying and looking. At the time i had a mother with dementia in a residential home i spoke to the staff there who reassured me that she no longer recognised me and didn't like to be taken out has she became panicky when we tried. So with the reassurance that it was the best time to move . My children were teenagers the eldest said she would stay with her Grandfather and my younger daughter was at grammar school and insisted on staying with her friend whose family were in the Church, so we thought she would be alright.Our son was only fourteen so he would come with us.

Still wondering where god wanted us but feeling more and more we were in the wrong place I was  looking in the window of the Job centre in Bradford when I saw a post advertised for a deputy matron at a Nursing Home in Hastings East Sussex.I knew I was qualified to do the job has i was a Registered general nurse and had been nursing the elderly for some time. So after a discussion with my husband I applied for the post, I was successful has the owner came from Bradford and wanted some of his staff from that region, it also came with a three bed roomed flat looking over the sea it sounded perfect, but we had to make sure their was a church there similar to the one we were presently in So we decided to go down for the weekend my husband .found out their was a church in Hastings which was part of a group called coastlands and the Leader in charge of it was known to us so we contacted the one of the Elders and he arranged for us  to stay in a cottage owned by one of the members. It was beginning to feel right. We went down and explored the area and was really delighted with it, we then visited the Church and we just Knew it was right we were invited out for lunch everybody were so friendly. The cottage we were staying in was delightful..

So it happened in January 1987  we moved to Hastings we had to sell everything we had so we arrived with no car but a caravan not that useful without a car The enemy kept whispering are you sure god said But we were there the flat wasn't ready and we just laughed they put us up in a bed and breakfast .hotel which was not very good, so we managed to stay in the cottage we'd stayed in when we came to look.
The next morning their had been a snowfall and all the buses had stopped so for my first morning I had to walk to work, and the enemy kept whispering in our ears, but we believed it was the right move.
We got our son into a school and my husband found a job and eventually the flat was ready.
Our eldest daughter came down but said she would return every weekend, but of course she didn't Then My other daughter came down after she had finished her Exams she eventually got a place at Guy's Hospital to do her training.My Eldest daughter started at Hastings college for catering My Son had learning difficulties and went to special school he eventually left and started working in the home has a kitchen assistant and later has a carer.
So twenty seven years later we are still in the area and in the same church We have been cared for and well shepherded God new what he was doing .

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