Saturday, 15 February 2014

My Paraglyde adventure

My two daughter's were telling me about their paragliding in turkey, We were going the following year with them and some friends from the rowing club. So one of my girls said you could do it mum, so for some insane reason I said yes, has I wouldn't go in a chair lift at Butlin's was really quite stupid of me.So I thought the only way I would go through with it his if I did it for charity. I was involved with the national Healing rooms so I decided to do it for them.I collected about two hundred pounds so i really couldn't back out
The day arrived for my paraglyde jump A mini bus took us up to the top of Bagadag mountain the bus went up and up I thought we would end up in Heaven.Eventually we arrived, my stomach was doing somersaults.I felt very vulnerable and fearful. They paired us up with instructers according to our size i had a very handsome young man. He put me in the harness and layed out the chute ready to go. I was watching other people taking off you had to run off the mountain and keep running till they told you to sit down.Its really not normal to run off a mountain all your instincts tell you to stop.So I ran but not fast enough and we had a false start my girls were watching and thought I'd bottled out, but no I was determined to do it. Next time I ran and got up we hung in the air waiting for the thermals to catch us, then we went further up and started to wobble my partner assured me it was normal. But i was sure I was going to fall out if the harness.To say iwas petrified was putting it mildly. I called out to god and said you've got to take this fear away I'm doing it for your Healing rooms. I felt his presence with me, I felt him saying just relax back intothe seat and I will hold you. I began to relax a little, I could see my grandson he waved to me. we were gently moving, I declined to do tricks that was asking too much but we slowly floated down and over the sea. We were down before i realised it. It was very exhilerating . But I decided I had to do it again to make sure my fear had gone.

So the following week I was going up in the mini bus again. This time we went to the pinnacle of the mountain I paired up with a man called Deniz which pleased me has that was my Grandsons name.We got off quite quickly and I had no fear at all it was just an awesome experience and we even did tricks coming down It was really exhilerating I know I met Jesus on that mountain.Will I do it again, Yes I can't wait.

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