Saturday, 19 April 2014

New Beginnings

Where do you go with three children under five, that was the dilemma I was in.I wanted out of the marriage, it just wasn't working I didn't love him any more and i was sure he no longer loved me.  I had decided to go and see a solicitor in the morning to start the ball rolling.Suddenly I began to think of two night sister's I used to work with. Their lives were so different to anybody I had ever met, they were born again Christians and they were so happy. I couldn't understand why, at the time I was preparing to get married to Steve, but they were far happier than I was. They were both single with no obvious plans to get married, all they did was come to work and go to Church. Can God really make you so happy. They had invited me to their Church and I'd gone along but I was getting married I couldn't live like them.I needed to live and enjoy life. So I walked away and got married life was great for a while, Steve was away at sea a lot with the Navy. It was his uniform that first attracted me. Silly falling in love with a uniform. It was exciting waiting for him to come home, he would always have gifts he'd bought abroad. Then the children came along I came back to my home town when I was expecting has he was away and wouldn't be back till after the birth. It was when He came out of the navy we weren't used to being together all the time and we didn't seem to get along.

Now with three children we both loved to bits, but money was short and I couldn't work much with young children. He was out working at a bar for extra money, the children were all asleep in bed. So I had time to think, I got a desire to look at the Bible that my friends Olga and Irene loved so much, I opened it up and my eyes were drawn to the words 'Do not leave your husband', I knew it was out of context, but I also knew God was speaking to me. It was quite scary I didn't think that sort of happened today.

Next morning I rang Olga up and told her what had happened and she laughed and said 'yes God is really on your case'.
She said she would ring her Pastor and said ring me later.
That evening I was in the Pastor's office, I gave my life to Jesus and I felt a piece I'd never known before. I went home and told Steve and he said well that's al right .
The Church taught me that love wasn't just a feeling but you had to decide to love then the feelings would follow so I tried that and slowly things changed between us..
Olga and Irene were very supportive of me in those early days and helped me to grow in the faith.

A little while later The pastor spoke about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I knew I wanted that so I went forward and he prayed for me I said a few words that sounded like jibberish but he said no it was speaking in tongues and that more would follow. That night I  was so excited I couldn't sleep and suddenly I felt the holy Spirit in the room and I began speaking words I didn't understand, but I felt a heat radiating out from within and I knew I had received the gift of the Holy Spirit   God became very real to me after that and has been ever since.
The Pastor was a very wise man and told me to put Steve first and if he wanted to do something else when I wanted to come to Church to do what he wanted and also not to give any money to the church till he wanted to give.  it wasn't long after putting him first that he started to come to church and very soon He also became a Christian, after that we had Jesus in our marriage and that made all the difference. We have now been married forty six years, we have never regretted becoming Christians, our lives now have purpose and we have a friend in Jesus that never leaves us and he guides and directs our lives.

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