Sunday 4 May 2014

I come from

I come from Bradford , City of woollen mills with long chimney's belching black smoke.
Trolley buses and tram's with conductor's taking fares.
I come from teachers without humour harsh words deforming learning.
of straps and canes and standing in detention.

I come from terrace houses with back yards, with swings and outside  toilets,
I come from ration books and sweet coupons, six old pence pocket money.
wireless with uncle mac for children of books by Enid Blyton, and Girls Crystal
comic and Eagle for boys getting lost in fantasies and writing my own.

I come from washing tubs and mangles, Mondays always washing day.
mum working has dressmaker sewing until late at night,
Dad working nights at children Hospital has a porter.
Granny looking after my brother and I .

Playing all fours and gin rummy with Granny after school, my brother cheating .
Sunday roast and  high tea using best china with cakes and trifle.
I come from teddy boys and Beatniks,Jazz and Rock and Roll.
of coffee Bars to hang out with our friends.

I come from walks on Shipley Glen and Ilkley moors
Mum sharing her heart when I was too young to know
 I come from working in bakery day release at Technical College.
and from grimy streets and secret lives

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