Sunday 22 June 2014

Smoking v Holy Spirit

In the news lately their has been a lot about people unable to quit smoking Hastings was especially mentioned, so I thought it might be helpful to some people for me to share my own battle. I smoked for about forty years and was totally addicted to it.One day I was trying to quit, and I was driving and became so era tic my Husband jumped out of the car and bought me some cigarettes. Another time I had been a Christian a number of years but was still unable to give up, when I sprained my ankle really badly, our house group leader at the time said to my Husband that it would be a good time for me to stop has I couldn't get to the shops, so not to get any for me. Well you know what it feels like when people try and make you do things, yes you're right I got the hump, so after Steve had refused to go to the shop I was livid and I crawled nearly a mile to the shop got my Cigs and crawled back again, I'm sure I looked really pathetic. So I did try many times and people prayed lots of times for me.
We had moved to Hastings in 1987 and joined  a church here  One of the elders was very supportive to me and when a visiting speaker came from India, they told me what a wonderful deliverance ministry he had so this was May 2002 I went to all the sessions and then on the last evening it was a Sunday evening Ram Babu began to speak on addictions, I knew this was my night, at the end he prayed for me and then the Elders wife spoke to me she said you've got to fight this and I knew this but suddenly something clicked in my spirit and so the fight began my addiction didn't just magically disappear it was something I had to walk through but the timing was mine.So what made the difference all I can say his that the Holy Spirit in me made it possible it was like it made me stand up on the inside and fight. There were times that I was so near giving in but something always happened to bring me through. I remember going in to town and I was definitely going to get cigarettes but I ran in to one of the ladies in the Church and I knew this was a God incidence  we went for a coffee together and she prayed with me.
The following weekend my son was getting married and at that time you could still smoke in Pubs and clubs, I went to the hen night and suffered every bodies smoking then the Wedding reception was in a cricket club, Somehow I got through all this without falling. I walked round the small seaside town I lived in walking the dog and praying gradually the cravings began to subside I believe at times God just carried me I learned so much about the goodness of God and his grace got me through, because it was such a difficult experience I have never been tempted to try smoking again when God does something for us its a real job he does and I can only give him praise for his deliverance if anyone reading this has a problem with smoking and would like me to pray for them please leave me a message it would be a privilege to help someone else.

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