Saturday, 26 April 2014

Miracle in Mum's kichen

Andy was thinking about what he'd been told at school that day. It was in the R.I. lesson, they were not taught as if it was fact, but were told to make their own mind up about it. Today it had been about the feeding of the five thousand. Andy didn't think it was true, hid Dad had told him it was all just folklore and myth's. It didn't help that he was sure the teacher didn't believe it you could tell by the way he told it. It was on the syllabus so he had to teach it and that's all.

His Mum believed all this stuff, maybe he'd ask her about it. I mean feeding five thousand people and all their families has well, with just five loaves and two fishes. No mum and sister and himself could eat that between them. So if that wasn't true what about the rest of the Bible.

Later that night he said 'mum you know the story about feeding the five thousand, what do you think. I don't really think it was possible'.
'Well Andy naturally it wouldn't be possible, but this his about Jesus and he can do impossible things, I believe it's true because God never lies and it's in his book so it has to be true or it wouldn't be there.'
Andy was frowning 'well my Dad doesn't believe it and neither do I '.
'Well let me tell you what happened a few years ago to us, God provided for us in a miraculous way'.
It was just after your dad had left us, and we were struggling to cope financially, I couldn't go out to work has you were only young and Megan had just started college. One day she said can I bring my friends from the Christian Union home has we have no where to meet, and oh can you make us some supper has we're coming straight from College.
Well I thought what am I to give them, their isn't much food in the house. But I went to the freezer to look, it was practically empty, but I found a pound of sausages, but that wouldn't go far between all those Students Megan had said their were about twelve of them coming. and then their was you and me has well. So I prayed to God about it and said they were coming to learn more about you. So I thought I would cut the sausage up and put it in a casserole I had found a few vegetables from the weekend  and some potatoes . I put it all in a casserole dish and put it in the oven. Then I said well it's up to you now Lord I'm just leaving it in your hands.'

'Well they all came and sat down wherever they could and I started serving them supper, and I noticed that the level in the casserole dish wasn't going down I had served more than half of the students and it was still nearly full, anyway I carried on and finished serving them and then I served you and myself. I looked round and saw the young people's plates were empty, so I asked if they wanted seconds yes they said so I continued to serve them and when I had served the last one then I looked and the dish was empty, but every one had eaten has much has they could. Well I really praised God for what he had done, I then went and told the Students what had happened and they were all really touched by it. Since then I can believe all the miracles without a doubt, but you will have to decide for yourself. But to me it was just has great a miracle has the feeding of the five thousand'.
Andy was having trouble believing it  but then he said.
'Well Mum, I've got to believe what you've told me, I think I will come to Church with you on Sunday, I have to start my own search now'.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

New Beginnings

Where do you go with three children under five, that was the dilemma I was in.I wanted out of the marriage, it just wasn't working I didn't love him any more and i was sure he no longer loved me.  I had decided to go and see a solicitor in the morning to start the ball rolling.Suddenly I began to think of two night sister's I used to work with. Their lives were so different to anybody I had ever met, they were born again Christians and they were so happy. I couldn't understand why, at the time I was preparing to get married to Steve, but they were far happier than I was. They were both single with no obvious plans to get married, all they did was come to work and go to Church. Can God really make you so happy. They had invited me to their Church and I'd gone along but I was getting married I couldn't live like them.I needed to live and enjoy life. So I walked away and got married life was great for a while, Steve was away at sea a lot with the Navy. It was his uniform that first attracted me. Silly falling in love with a uniform. It was exciting waiting for him to come home, he would always have gifts he'd bought abroad. Then the children came along I came back to my home town when I was expecting has he was away and wouldn't be back till after the birth. It was when He came out of the navy we weren't used to being together all the time and we didn't seem to get along.

Now with three children we both loved to bits, but money was short and I couldn't work much with young children. He was out working at a bar for extra money, the children were all asleep in bed. So I had time to think, I got a desire to look at the Bible that my friends Olga and Irene loved so much, I opened it up and my eyes were drawn to the words 'Do not leave your husband', I knew it was out of context, but I also knew God was speaking to me. It was quite scary I didn't think that sort of happened today.

Next morning I rang Olga up and told her what had happened and she laughed and said 'yes God is really on your case'.
She said she would ring her Pastor and said ring me later.
That evening I was in the Pastor's office, I gave my life to Jesus and I felt a piece I'd never known before. I went home and told Steve and he said well that's al right .
The Church taught me that love wasn't just a feeling but you had to decide to love then the feelings would follow so I tried that and slowly things changed between us..
Olga and Irene were very supportive of me in those early days and helped me to grow in the faith.

A little while later The pastor spoke about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I knew I wanted that so I went forward and he prayed for me I said a few words that sounded like jibberish but he said no it was speaking in tongues and that more would follow. That night I  was so excited I couldn't sleep and suddenly I felt the holy Spirit in the room and I began speaking words I didn't understand, but I felt a heat radiating out from within and I knew I had received the gift of the Holy Spirit   God became very real to me after that and has been ever since.
The Pastor was a very wise man and told me to put Steve first and if he wanted to do something else when I wanted to come to Church to do what he wanted and also not to give any money to the church till he wanted to give.  it wasn't long after putting him first that he started to come to church and very soon He also became a Christian, after that we had Jesus in our marriage and that made all the difference. We have now been married forty six years, we have never regretted becoming Christians, our lives now have purpose and we have a friend in Jesus that never leaves us and he guides and directs our lives.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Quest

The Auction room was buzzing,their had been a lot of publicity about this sale.It was a specialist sale with a lot of Chinese Antiquities. That was why Cheung was here. His father had received a phone call from his Uncle telling him about the sale. He told him he had to go to England has his uncle had seen the catalogue for this Auction sale and said their was a Buddha statuette in the sale like the one stolen from their village.

The Buddha statuette had been in the Buddhist Temple at the top of there village. They believed it guarded the village and brought good luck and blessings to their community.But two years ago thieves had broken into the temple and stolen the statuette. Since then they had nothing but bad luck and calamities. Now they had a dangerous shortage of water and the Elders of the temple said it was because Buddha was displeased that his statuette was no longer in position in the Temple.They believed if they got the Buddha back it would bring blessings they had previously enjoyed and that the water would start flowing again.

So here he was in the Auction room, he noticed a young Englishman who seemed very flamboyant, and was bidding on all the Chinese antiquities. he seemed to have plenty of money and the Auctioneer knew him by name, he called him Mr Davis, he had already bought a silver dragon and a bronze tiger for a very large amount of money. Cheung was worried he wouldn't have enough money to outbid this man, but he dare not go home without it.
The Auctioneer said the next lot was the much sought after Buddha Statuette, the guide price his between 1,500 and 2,000 pounds, so let us start at a thousand pounds, Cheung's hand shot up, then Mr Davis said 2,000 and their were several other bids. But it settled down to between Cheung and Mr Davis, It became very tense in the room Cheung felt the sweat running down his back.It had reached 7,000 pounds now and Cheung had nearly reached his limit, but his village depended on him getting the statuette,he bit his lip nervously. The Auctioneer said its with Mr. Davis at 8,000 pounds he looked at Cheung but he shook his head he hadn't got enough money for it. 'Right sold to Mr.Davis for 8,000 pounds and his Gavil came down, it was over Cheung hung his head bitterly disappointed.

Cheung stood waiting outside the saleroom waiting for the Englishman to come out, he'd thought of approaching him to try and do a deal with him. But he'd seen the gleam of triumph in his eyes and new it was no good. He emerged at last with someone carrying the goods for him, well he'd wait till he was alone, he had to have it, he just waited for the right moment.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

ltfe at Crief Hydro part two

In the evening I met a kitchen porter called Johnnie he was handsome in a rugged sort of way, and we just clicked.He asked me to go for a walk with him, so we walked round the grounds which were really extensive and with the mountains in the distance, it was a really special place. Johnnie asked me to be is girl and he would look out for me and protect me, it sounded very romantic. He then told me about seeing his Mother shot and killed on a train in Glasgow, it had obviously affected him deeply, and I felt really sorry for him.
So life became very exciting Johnnie took me everywhere, we had picnics out and long walks, he took me to local dances. Then he asked me to go to a dance in Auchtararder, that was where my Auntie and Uncle lived so I had been there for holidays quite often in the past.I was looking forward to going there so I made an effort and put on my favourite black dress, it looked really good .

We arrived at Auchtararder in an old cortina car.the dance hall was really the town hall, we climbed the stairs and we could hear the music before we opened the door, then it engulfed us. The band were dressed in blue blazors, they looked really cool. But Johnnie was steering me towards the dance floor.
'Come on let's dance'. He was dressed in drainpipe trousers and a long yellow jacket with velvet lapels. He looked a bit like a teddy boy.
The hall was large with a high roof,it was really ornate a bit Victorian looking.Their were tables round the room with chairs round them and ashtrays, I liked the smell of smoking I thought it looked cool smoking.Then we were dancing but, Johnnie had two left feet.

My heart stopped  there standing in front of us was Iain Sinclair,I knew him from having holidays here he was a friend of my Uncle's family.He was really handsome but I had always preferred his brother Donald he was more rugged looking but he had joined the navy.Iain used to come round and ask me out but I always said no.. But now he looked really grown up I knew he wanted me to dance, but I dare not Johnnie was too possessive.

'What you looking at, she's with me right'.
'Well I knew her long before you mate and I want to talk to her'.
'Well you can't', and he started jabbing Iain, so clear off or I'll do for you mate'. Then they started with small thumps and then it got more intense.
'Stop it Johnnie', I cried but he wasn't listening, I could feel sweat forming on my forehead and my neck it was trickling down my back. I didn't want them to hurt each other I liked them both. The air became oppressive people were crowding round to watch and were shouting 'come on Iain give it him and Johnnies friends were goading him to' finish him off Johnnie he's too pretty give him a black eye'.
'Stop it Stop it I shouted I began to cry and could feel the saltiness of my tears, it became very hot and I began to feel light headed the sounds seemed to be far away now and I couldn't reach them I knew I was falling and I couldn't do anything about it.

When I came round I was in the car,   they were all laughing about the fight

Next day I knew Iain would have told my Auntie ,I would have to ring and find if he was all right I couldn't get any sense out of Johnnie
Next day my mother rang and asked  me to ring home,I rang and she said my Auntie had rung and was worried about the company I was keeping and wanted me to come home.I told her I was fine and rang off. Later that week I was called into the Housekeeper's office it seemed my Mother had written and given my notice and has I was under eighteen she had no choice but to implement it.
Later I received a train ticket  I was really furious and when I got home  I didn't speak to my Mum for ages.